About Us

Our purpose is to provide services to families where every child is able to develop a foundation of learning and development. As quality educators and teachers, we partner with families to inspire and provide a safe, affordable and engaging environment to stimulate growth, knowledge and potential.

Children will be carefully nurtured through their education and care, to grow up as competent and confident lifelong learners.

As a service, we support educators to understand the history and stories that shape our country and enable them to share knowledge, embrace culture and encourage children to develop an understanding of diversity. We respect the traditional custodians of the land on which our services are based.

At Bright Horizons Australia Childcare we believe that the first five years of a child’s life is an amazing time of growth and learning. As a service we will work along side you to support your and your child to the best of our ability.

Start your child's journey with us today:

Find your

We have 15 services across Australia to choose from. Find your closest centre.

a tour

Experience our childcare services yourself with a free tour from our Service Managers.

a playdate

Allow your child to ease into their first day at childcare with a complimentary playdate.

“Bright Horizons is truly the most beautiful centre with the most amazing inspired educators... offering the highest quality of care in our community״

Daniella B.

Frequently asked questions

For your convenience, here are some frequently asked questions from parents and our answers. If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.

It is the team of dedicated educators and Early Childhood Teachers at our service that makes the early learning experience for your child so special. Each member of the educational team is carefully screened before they start working at our service. All of our educators are early childhood professionals who have a genuine desire to support each child to reach their full potential.

As an educational team we continually strive for excellence. We regularly participate in professional development to continue our learning journey and welcome constructive feedback. We have regular relief educators to ensure that your child continues to enjoy the same standard of care while permanent educators are absent.

Ensuring your child’s safety is of the utmost importance. It is our service policy that children are only released into the care of an authorised person. Please let us know if someone other than the regular contact person will be collecting your child. All visitors will be accompanied whilst in our service and will be required to produce photo identification so that we can verify that they are authorised to collect your child.

It is a legal requirement that the attendance register is completed each time your child arrives and departs from our service. Our Service Manager or educators will show you where the sign in and out kiosks are located.

Please Note: Children can only be released into the care of an adult (person over the age of 18 years).

We welcome family involvement in our service. We understand that the level of participation will vary depending on other commitments. Please speak with our Service Manager or one of our educators to explore opportunities for you to become involved in service activities and events or providing ideas and suggestions to enhance learning opportunities. 

Children enjoy sharing birthdays and other special events with their friends. If you would like to celebrate an event for your child, please speak with one of our educators or Service Manager. Please be aware that some of our children have special dietary needs. This may restrict some food items for these events.

To avoid the disappointment of special toys becoming lost or damaged, we recommend that these items are not brought to the service. Comfort or security items are welcome and we ask that they are clearly labelled to ensure they remain with their owner.

Children in our older age groups are encouraged to bring in items to share for “Show and Tell”/Group Share. Books, photographs, science or nature items are always well received by the children.

Please clearly label all items brought to the service so that we can ensure they go home with the right owner. Please speak with one of our educators if any of your child’s belongings are misplaced.

It is extremely important that our records are accurate at all times. Please let us know if any of

your contact details, including those of your nominated emergency contacts, change so that

we can update our files.

It is the policy of our service that all children and educators are required to wear a hat and sunscreen whilst outdoors. We ask that children have sunscreen applied at home so they are ready for play as soon as they arrive.

In the warmer months, in line with our sun protection policy, we ask that children wear clothing that provides some sun protection – such as collars and sleeves. In the cooler weather, we suggest dressing children in layers which can be easily removed as the day becomes hotter.

Play is the foundation of learning. Children should be dressed in clothing which allows them to comfortably interact with the daily activities. We understand that children’s clothing can be expensive and suggest that your child wear play clothes and appropriate footwear to our service.

Please include a spare change of clothing in your child’s bag.

Please note: Clothing and Sun Protection recommendations vary from state to state. Please refer to the policy relevant to your state for specific requirements.

As a service, we are required to comply with any legally binding written instructions regarding custody arrangements and to make every effort to ensure the safety and security of all children in our care. If there are any Custody Orders, Parenting Orders or Supervision Orders relating to your child, please provide us with a complete copy of the Order for our files. If there are any changes to your child’s custody arrangements, please let us know as soon as possible.

Excursions/ incursions and extra curricular activities are an important part of the educational programs and experiences provided throughout the year.

Information about upcoming events will be included in our newsletter calendar of events and our documental portal. If you would like your child to participate in these events, please complete the written excursion permission slip prior to the event. Parents and family are encouraged to attend excursions.

As a service, we practice our evacuation procedures and lock down procedures each month to ensure that all children and educators are familiar with what to do in the unlikely event of an emergency. We also have fire evacuation plans displayed in each classroom close to the emergency exit. If you are visiting our service during an evacuation or lock down drill, please follow directions from our educators.

Please Note: all persons present during a drill are legally required to participate in the evacuation.

Our service ensures first aid qualified staff are rostered on at all times. In the event that your child has an accident or becomes injured, we will act immediately to provide care and treatment. Our Service Manager / Nominated Supervisor or responsible person in charge, will contact you or your nominated emergency contacts to notify of the accident as soon as possible. If we cannot make contact and it is our reasonable belief that your child requires immediate medical treatment, we will take steps necessary for your child’s health and well-being. Please Note: our service is not responsible for any medical, ambulance fees or other costs incurred.