If you are not able to collect your child before the service’s closing time, please phone ahead to let us know. That way we can reassure your child if they become upset. Please be advised that our Late Fee of $3.00 per minute will now be applied to your account, for every minute that your child is collected outside your allocated grace period. Grace periods have been allowed as per below for our 6 and 9 hour sessions:
• Early drop off: 30-minute grace period
• Late pick up: 30-minute grace period
On enrolment we will ask you to nominate permanent attendance days for your child. Please speak with our Service Manager if you would like to change your child’s booked days.
If you wish to cease your child’s enrolment at our service, then you are requested to provide two weeks’ written notice and are responsible to pay all outstanding fees. If sufficient notice is not provided, you are responsible for the two weeks’ full fees in lieu of notice. Please Note: CCS cannot be claimed on any absences after your child’s last day of attendance at your service.
Our service is cashless. Childcare fees can be paid by direct debit (via Fat Zebra), EFTPOS,
BPay and Centrepay (via Centrelink). To secure your child’s ongoing position at our service, it is a requirement that all fees are paid in advance (current + one week). You will be given an approximate weekly gap fee when you commence.
Eligible families can apply for the Commonwealth Government’s Child Care Subsidy to
assist with the cost of early education and care. More information about Child Care Subsidy including eligibility requirements, is available from the on the Human Services website (www.humanservices.gov.au). Full fees will be applied until we receive advice of your current assessment from Centrelink. To prevent the delay of your subsidy being applied, please ensure you confirm your bookings via your MyGov account.
As a service, we are required to comply with the Federal Government’s “Priority of Access”
guidelines when placing children from the waiting list.
Families are eligible for up to 20 days at a reduced rate each financial year, based on their normal weekly attendance pattern (four weeks of normal booked days). If you would like to apply for this reduced rate, please provide written notice at least two weeks before the planned absence. Accounts must be up to date to be eligible for the reduced holiday rate. Please Note: The reduced rate is calculated as a percentage of your weekly out-of-pocket childcare expense.
Families will be entitled to 42 absent days per child, per financial year, and may be entitled to additional days in certain circumstances (including illness of the child, parent and sibling). Under the Child Care Subsidy, when a child does not attend care on a day that they were scheduled to, providers are able to claim an absence for the child up to 42 times per financial year, so long as on the day the absence is claimed , Child Care Subsidy would have been claimed (i.e. the child would have otherwise been in care, and the family hasn’t already reached their fortnightly entitlement of subsidised hours based on their activity test result). If your child attends multiple centres within the same financial year, it is important to remember that you have 42 allowable absent days per child, NOT per childcare centre you attend.
Please Note: Fees are payable for all booked days – including public holidays and sick days.
As a service we are legally required to maintain an accurate attendance register at all times. Please ensure you sign your child in and out of the service using the Kiosk provided.
Please Note: All absences must be acknowledged via the kiosk if you wish to have the Child Care Subsidy applied.
Our service ensures first aid qualified staff are rostered on at all times. In the event that
your child has an accident or becomes injured we will act immediately to provide care and
treatment. Our Service Manager / Nominated Supervisor will contact you or your nominated emergency contacts to notify of the accident as soon as possible. If we cannot make contact and it is our reasonable belief that your child requires immediate medical treatment, we will take steps necessary for your child’s health and well-being. Please Note: our service is not responsible for any medical, ambulance fees or other costs incurred.
We have 15 services across Australia to choose from. Find your closet service.
Experience our childcare services yourself with a free tour from our service managers.
Allow your child to ease into their first day at childcare with a complementary playdate.